The northern hemisphere celebrated the longest day of the year this week on 21st June. We’ve all seen the pictures of the celebrations at Stonehenge! And yes, technically it’s true that from now on, our day light hours will be getting shorter. I have heard some people making negative comments about this and looking on the grim side. So I just want to say, stay positive peeps! Summer has only just begun.
This week has been filled with more fencing, garden maintenance and quotes to do! The fence job that Richard did this week included cutting down a number of conifers at the back of the garden, disposing of all the greens waste, and replacing them with a six foot high feather edge fence and kick-board. Our customers were lovely people and were very happy with the job. Maintenance was thirsty work on Wednesday, since we had a really hot day that probably wasn’t THAT hot, we’re just not used to it! And the rest of the week was business as usual.
One thing that was noted this week, was there seem to be a few more bees about the place, which is great news. So, if you don’t have many flowers in your garden, maybe you could consider doing some planting this weekend? You don’t need to have huge borders full of plants and flowers, although that would be nice. Even just a few pots here and there, after all the bees need pollen and nectar to survive and at the same time you can brighten up your home.
Here are some planting tips:
•Always make sure your pot has holes in the bottom, if it hasn’t, make some to avoid water-logging
•Place a layer of stones in the bottom of the pot to help with drainage
•Choose a suitable compost for your plant, often a multi-purpose compost will do
•Now, loosen the roots of your plant, place it in your pot and fill with compost
•Water well and enjoy
Of course if you do want that border full of beautiful flowers, you could always call us! Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for reading. Don’t forget you can find us on facebook or follow us on Twitter